即日起,PizzaHut Causeway Point, Waterway Point, Plaza Singapura, Eastpoint Mall, Habourfront Centre, West Mall 这六家门店推出Pizza 自助,Pizza,面包,汤,90分钟内随便吃,还送饮料一杯~
Pizza Hut的死忠皇后粉不要错过这个机会哈!
参与自助的Pizza口味有:Hawaiian, Chicken Supreme, Curry Chicken, Super Supreme, Meat Galore and Pepperoni pizzas
点击 “Tickets”,确认参与的人数 Click on ‘Tickets’ button to select the number of tickets you wish to purchase.
If the timeslot you would like to reserve for the specific store is fully booked and you wish to choose another store for reservation, please click on to the profile page (http://pizzahutsg.eventbrite.sg) for more restaurant reservations.