Pokemon Go玩家在巫兰Waterfont Park发现尸体…… 中元节大家多拜拜吧……
今天(8月7日)早上,Pokemon Go玩家Noor Azmi在Woodlands Waterfont Park寻找精灵的途中发现海上浮现一具面部朝下的女尸……
- 新加坡虽然一直以犯罪率低而闻名,但是近来接二连三发生的命案说明,低犯罪率与0犯罪率还是差距巨大,大家必须要注意自己的人身安全
- 警方的效率并不如想象中高,上次中国女生的命案在寻人启事在网上传爆了以后才找到尸体,而这次的女尸事件又是由路人毫无征兆的发现以后才介入调查(尚不确定警方是否在之前有接到失踪报告),这也不禁让人打一个大问号,新加坡到底还有多少没被找到的失踪人口?
- 这个月中元节,大家多拜拜吧……
附Noor Azmi在Facebook上的帖子:
SINGAPORE – While out hunting Pokemon at Woodlands Waterfront Park on Sunday (Aug 7) morning, website administrator Noor Azmi got more than he bargained for when he came across the body of a woman.
The 29-year-old posted photos of his grisly find near the park’s jetty on Facebook, which showed the body floating face-down in the water.
A crowd of curious onlookers was also seen on the jetty.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it was alerted to the incident at around 9.45am and retrieved the body from the water. She was pronounced dead at the scene by SCDF paramedics.
The police said they are investigating the unnatural death.
“Early morning finding Pokemon. Suddenly find dead body. Rest in peace whoever you are. Seems like an old lady. Don’t think it is due to Pokemon Go,” Mr Azmi wrote in the post, which has been shared nearly 7,000 times.
Mr Azmi told The Straits Times he had been playing mobile game Pokemon Go – which launched in Singapore on Saturday – near the jetty for about half an hour as he was trying to catch water-based Pokemon.
That was when he noticed a group of people looking at the body in the water.
“It was totally unexpected. I had read reports of people finding dead bodies while playing Pokemon Go in other countries but it never occurred to me that this would happen in Singapore or to me,” he added.
Last month, US teenager Shayla Wiggins stumbled across a man’s corpse while walking along the Big Wind River in Wyoming. The 19-year-old had also been trying to capture water Pokemon.

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